Thursday, 30 January 2020

Feeling the motivation

I saw my coach yesterday. It was the first time this year. Every time I see her, I come away feeling totally enthused.

Walked longer today, don't know if it was 5 miles and I'm not going to beat myself up over it I don't think, that's not helping!

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Getting there - but not fast enough

This is taking me a lot longer than I thought! I need to be at 5 miles every day and the end of the month is looming! That's when I start working toward the 10 miles a day!!!!!

Monday, 20 January 2020

My body says - NO!

Today I am currently struggling to get my body to walk more that three miles without feeling it!

Whatever that stupid virus was, which hung around and lingered for an age, it's seriously done me a bad turn

Friday, 17 January 2020

Here it starts - Walking it 2020

Well, I've done it! I have set myself the challenge!

35+ miles ... in a day!

Am I going to do it? Heck yes, will I do it in one day? That's my goal! If you want to read more about this challenge and why I'm doing this, click 'About' above to read more.

I find I become more focused and motivated once my plan goes public, which is why I will have a Facebook Group and why I have this blog.

I am currently recovering from a virus that has knocked the 'stuffing' out of me and left me exhausted having undertaken this simplest of tasks.

This month, when I'm back on my feet, I will be easing myself, very, very gently, back into walking with a 5-mile a day walk for 5 days, with weekends off.

In February, I'll be working my way up to 10 miles a day and so on until such a time, before June, headed to finding 25-30 miles a day a little less of a challenge.

Yes, there will be those out there that will question if I can do this, but a challenge isn't a challenge if it's easy!